AI Discovery:

A customer-lead approach to the future of acquisition, service and operations.

When the opportunities for AI look almost infinite, how do you know where to start?

We say (as always): focus on the customer. Start with the experience you want to create…

and work backwards to the technology.

Introducing a new UX & technology service:

An integrated partnership between cutting-edge specialists

Each&Other and Phased AI are pioneering the future of AI Operations.

With a combined user-centric discovery and technical experimentation we implement AI-driven systems and workflows that make operational processes more efficient and effective: We transform customer experiences.

In just one week we can help you and your team prove the potential of AI in your operations.

Chris Donnelly

"Any new technology presents new opportunities and provokes excitement and a fear of falling behind.

In rapidly changing environments, it’s the boring truisms that hold fast: focus on the user first and let the technology follow the value.”

– Christopher Donnelly, UX/UI and Product Innovation Principal @ Each&Other

Systematically plot the future of your business:

Customer first

Driven by customer insight, not technology. Products are tested with real users and feedback drives iteration before launch.

Staged process

A staged process from idea, to technical proof of concept, to scaled solution, with each stage adding value.

Eliminate risk

A conscious mindset that balances customer experience with data security and brand reputation.

Prototype fast

Decision-making and prototyping at pace, aiming to have the first AI experiment live in 8 weeks.

We’re working with enterprise level clients targeting, efficiency, innovation and transformational change.

Our staged process guides you from idea, to technical proof of concept, to scaled solution:

1. Educate:

Understand the opportunity and risks of AI implementations. Get to grips with what it takes to actually deliver results.

2. Explore:

A deep dive into customer lifecycle to identify and scope opportunities and conduct technical / data investigation in a 1-4 week engagement.

3. Experiment:

Develop a single opportunity to a working proof of concept. Over 1-2 weeks we can have a new AI driven product or function live and ready to evaluate.

4. Execute:

Further develop your AI proof of concept into fully deployable, secure, effective software, typically over 8-12 weeks.

Start with stage 1: Education

AI for Enterprise:

A half-day of learning, workshops and discussion for tech leaders and business innovators.

Understand and explore the opportunities, practicalities and risks of deploying AI in enterprise operations.

All centred on delivering the best outcomes and experience for customers.


Introducing AI for Enterprise

  • What does an AI strategy actually mean and what are the implications?
  • What is the business opportunity and how can they work for my teams?
  • Starting with the data.
  • Addressing Reliability, Privacy and Governance
  • What the are the risks and what do we need to consider


The UX of AI

  • What is the customer value and opportunity of AI
  • How do we identify and prioritise potential opportunities in the frontend and backend?
  • Prototyping and testing with customers
  • A working proof of concept in two weeks
  • Evaluation of the prototype
  • What happens next?


Your opportunity

  • User journey mapping
  • Prioritisation vs value
  • Identifying the first project
  • Creating a brief

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